Crocodile Production Music
Crocodile Production Music
0m 17s - 438615AU
Long chords with Far Eastern vocal texture over. M. Ironton/M. Faddy
3m 26s - CM-814-00
Up beat with lots of bright and happy sounds. TBC
0m 26s - CM-543-00
Long slow sparkling chords with French Horn. Ironton/Faddy
Balloons 1
1m 4s - 446438CW
Magical feel with bell sounds and sweeping breathy voice texture. M.Ironton/M.Faddy/A.Coles
Bed Time
1m 40s - 528349GQ
Slow, mysterious beginning then joined by piano with a bright bell finale. M. Ironton/M. Faddy
2m 1s - 446711LW
Slow, floating guitars over a soft chord texture. Jeffrey Crampton
Canary 1
0m 32s - 5454665T
Gentle, melodic theme with light bell arpeggios. M. Ironton /J. Mealing
Canary 2
0m 32s - 5454665T
Gentle, melodic theme with light bell arpeggios, flute and string texture. M. Ironton /J. Mealing
0m 35s - 440046AP
Slow, sweeping breathy chords with Far Eastern top line joined by french horn. M. Ironton/M. Faddy
0m 50s - 440046AS
Long, sweeping breathy chords joined by East Asian percussion. M. Ironton/M. Faddy
0m 58s - CM-542-00
Atmospheric piano and bell tree. Ironton/Faddy
0m 39s - 447829AT
M. Ironton/M. Faddy
0m 30s - 446437CV
Ambient beginning with high female voice leading into full track. M. Ironton/M. Faddy
3m 3s - 8795281P
Cool percussion with warm, string texture bass, acoustic guitars and flute. M. Faddy/R. Burmiston
Electric Japan
2m 30s - 447830DV
Atmospheric synth based track with a feel of the Far East. Nicholas Magnus
0m 27s - 447147FQ
Gentle, melodic bells. M. Ironton /J. Mealing
Far 1
0m 7s - 446046LS
Short East Asian cue. M. Ironton/M. Faddy
Fun & Games
0m 30s - 440106FT
Happy theme with bells top line and handclaps. Colin Watson
1m 25s - 446711CP
Soft, breathy chord texture joined by piano arpeggios and bell top line. M. Ironton/J. Mealing
0m 40s - 446711CV
Begins with light Eastern bells joined by voice texture over warm, soft chords. M. Ironton/M. Faddy
Happy Go Lucky
1m 28s - 438614GU
Happy, rocky feel theme with bell, strings and synths. Colin Watson
Hide and Seek
1m 47s - 446438AN
Oboe joined by plucked strings, piano and light bell sounds. M. Ironton/M. Faddy
Hong Kong
0m 22s - 440045FU
Begins with gong, then into a slow string build with percussion and East Asian sounds over. M. Ironton/M. Faddy
If You're Happy 1
0m 31s - 447146LQ
A light, happy version of a traditional song. Arr. M. Ironton/J. Mealing
Ko Chang
1m 12s - 440045GW
Long, sweeping chords overlaid with sounds from the Far East. M. Ironton/M. Faddy
2m 11s - 440045HM
Slow, sweeping, chord texture with sounds from the Far East. M. Ironton/M. Faddy
Kohn Buri
0m 51s - 440044FV
Cool groove with ethnic percussion, bells and sequencers. M. Ironton/M. Faddy
Lucy's Heart 4
1m 4s - 447827KN
Whispy voice texture with wind chimes, SFX and simple piano at end. M. Ironton/M. Faddy
Medici 20
1m 34s - CM-515-00
Begins with long chord with Bell Tree then joined by Acoustic Guitars and Mandolins. Faddy / Ironton
0m 36s - 438746AW
Long, breathy chords overlaid with sounds from the Far East. M. Ironton/M. Faddy
0m 42s - 438746BS
Mystical feel with bells and breathy string texture. M. Ironton/M. Faddy
Odessa 2
1m 14s - 5431304P
Haunting theme with pan pipes, guitars and voices. M. Ironton /J. Mealing
1m 37s - CM-533-00
Lots of arpeggio guitars and bells. Ironton / Faddy
0m 21s - 447828HR
Sweeping string texture leading into pizzi strings and light bell. M. Ironton /J. Mealing
0m 30s - 440044LU
Bright East Asian percussion with bells and voice texture top line. Malcolm Ironton
Panio 3
0m 21s - 446436LM
Begins with solo piano joined by acoustic guitars with bell top line. M. Ironton /J. Mealing
1m 36s - CM-812-00
A gentle track with piano and bell. TBC
4m 19s - 446047BM
Sequenced based with long, string chord textures and expansive sound design adding to the drama. Nicholas Magnus
Plink Plonk 1
0m 19s - 440045AP
Happy feel track with ukelele bell top line and hand claps. Colin Watson
Pretty Picky
2m 23s - 447145LR
Happy, pizzi strings joined by piano and warm chords under with light bell top line. M. Ironton /J. Mealing
0m 42s - CM-786-00
Ambient sounds from Japan. M.Ironton/F.Monkman
1m 27s - 438746FQ
Long, slow, chord sweeps with sounds of the Far East. M. Ironton/M. Faddy
San Boja
0m 25s - 440045BR
Long, sweeping chords with top line voice texture. M. Ironton/M. Faddy
Sleepy 1
0m 45s - 438745FT
Light, atmospheric track with bass rhythm and a top-line sequenced bell melody. M. Ironton/M. Faddy
Sleepy 5
0m 57s - 438745FT
Soft, ambient, breathy track with piano and light bell top-line. M. Ironton/M. Faddy
0m 14s - 438745FU
Short sting with arpeggio bells and keyboard over a soft breathy chord texture. M. Ironton/A. Coles
Soundscape 1
0m 36s - 5451088J
Tranquil, breathy texture with distant bells. Malcolm Ironton
Soundscape 2
0m 35s - 438745GP
Tranquil, breathy texture with gentle groove. Malcolm Ironton
1m 29s - 446710LQ
Uplifting guitar arpeggio with voice texture joined by piano and flute. Malcolm Ironton
Sweet Secrets
0m 32s - 5457953C
Gentle piano, bells and magical keyboard sounds. M. Ironton /J. Mealing
Tai Ping
1m 6s - 440044CW
Long, sweeping chords joined by expansive string texture with melodic top line and Far Eastern sounds overlaid. M. Ironton/M. Faddy
0m 31s - 440044DP
Breathy pipes with East Asian bells and percussion. Malcolm Ironton
Teezer 3
0m 41s - 5454663Q
Melodic piano with pan pipe top line joined by acoustic guitars. M. Ironton /J. Mealing
0m 40s - 438745GU
Gentle, cool groove feel with electric harp top line over a warm string texture. M. Ironton/M. Faddy
Toy Shop
3m 22s - 438745KR
Long, ambient feel with floating guitars ending with a short heavy rock part. Anthony Collins
0m 30s - 8772112R
Cool groove track with sequencers and bell top line. M. Ironton /M. Faddy
1m 8s - 438745DU
Long, sweeping, soft chords with eastern sounds laid over a subtle percussion. M. Ironton/M. Faddy
Warm 2
2m 22s - 446711AM
Pizzi string with light bell keyboard joined by warm strings, piano and oboe. M. Ironton/J. Mealing
Warm 5
2m 42s - 446711AM
Begins with slow piano arpeggio over a warm, breathy, string texture joined by celeste, flute and bassoon. M. Ironton/J. Mealing
Warm 6
2m 49s - 446711AM
Slow, arpeggio piano over warm strings joined by piano top line. M. Ironton/J. Mealing
Warm 7
1m 9s - 446711AM
Warm, soft, string texture with ambient bell top line. M. Ironton/J. Mealing
Whispy 1
0m 37s - 8795159K
Gentle track with whispy, voice texture, piano and harp. M.Ironton/J. Mealing
Whispy 2 mix
0m 19s - 8795159K
Whispy voice texture with harp. M.Ironton/J. Mealing
Whispy 3 mix
0m 31s - 8795159K
Whispy voice texture with piano and koto top line. M.Ironton/J.Mealing
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